SOMA Crystal

SOMA Figures A726750


The figure solutions.

Note Winston's activities.

Since november 2013 I have been receiving a lot of pretty figures from Winston. (Chinese name: CHANG,TING-WEI )
A student from Taiwan. He's 16 years old. Studying in 10th grade, and making some very nice SOMA's. Although he is also extremely busy doing school work.
We should all keep our "Thumbs up" an say good prayers for him and his future.
Lets look forward to more figures in the future, but in the mean time enjoy the (Until now 42) figures:
SOMA 680-700, SOMA 701-708, 708X, 722-725, SOMA 726-733
2015-07-13 Winston/CHANG,TING-WEI Plenty of new figures have been made. Hope they look pretty to you.


    An alternate solution
    by Tim Fielding.
      You should also see
      Tim's own collection    



/SOMA727 ;Figure by CHANG,TING-WEI .211./.213./.243./.443./64775/66755 ...../...../.2.3./...../6.7.5/..... /SOMA728 ;Figure by CHANG,TING-WEI ..2/..6/..6/..4/..4 .12/.66/.54/.74/.77 112/552/35./33./37. /SOMA729 ;Figure by CHANG,TING-WEI ..5../.55.. ..57./1377. 13.66/13.76 .44../.3446 ..2../..222 2015-07-30 Winston/CHANG,TING-WEI Some more nice-looking figures are made /SOMA730 ;"Taiwanese presidential palace" by CHANG,TING-WEI ...../...../...1./...16/...66 ...../...../...../...1./...6. ..4../..43./..33./..73./..77. ...../..4../2.4../222../557.. ...../...../...../5..../5.... /SOMA731 ;"Smoke pipe" by CHANG,TING-WEI ...../...../...../...../222../552.. ....3/...33/...13/...11/5.744/5644. ...../...../...../...../677../667.. /SOMA732 ;"Double W's" by CHANG,TING-WEI ..7../.44.. ..77./4472. 11.66/33326 .15../.3226 ..5../..55. /SOMA733 ;Figure by CHANG,TING-WEI 333./4325/2225 4.../477./1755 4.../17../16.. ..../6.../66.. /SOMA734 ;Slider I by Bob Allen [] ; 1-fold Symmetry Class N ( No Reflections or Rotations ) only 2 solutions /.3.2.4/333244/652247/655177 /....../....../....../665117
From Tim Fielding 24.02.2017 we have the following figures 735 - 739
;Can't see three, by Tim Fielding

;by Tim Fielding

;by Tim Fielding

;by Tim Fielding

;by Tim Fielding

2017-12-14 Ronald Deckert supplied 3 more figures
You may also enjoy Ronald's figures nr. 676, 677, 678, 679 and the pretty video an the SOMA frontpage.

;Star Wars Battle Droid  by Ronald Deckert

;Piranha I  by Ronald Deckert

;Piranha Ii  by Ronald Deckert